Singing Guide: Phillips Craig & Dean

Singing Guide: Phillips Craig & Dean

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Phillips Craig & Dean is an American contemporary Christian music trio composed of Randy Phillips, Shawn Craig, and Dan Dean. Their music often blends old-fashioned hymns with original modern gospel tunes. The group's vocal harmonies and dynamic melodies have made them a popular choice for gospel music fans worldwide. In this article, I will share with you how to learn to sing like Phillips Craig & Dean.

Phillips Craig & Dean's signature singing style is characterized by their strong and emotive vocal harmonies. They place great emphasis on their physical and breath control while singing. Therefore developing a good understanding of breathing techniques, proper posture, and voice control is important to sing like this band.

One important aspect of Phillips Craig & Dean's singing is their use of open mouth and throat. In one of the Singing Carrots articles titled "Open mouth & throat while singing," the need for having an open mouth and throat when singing is highlighted. This article provides some useful tips to help develop this skill.

Another characteristic of this group's singing style is their ability to transition smoothly between registers and voice breaks. To learn more about voice registers and how to transition between them, you can check out the article titled "Voice registers & vocal break."

Phillips Craig & Dean are also known for their emotive performances, which involve a lot of stage presence and performance techniques. Their music is very heartfelt and as such, it is important to connect with the music and the message behind it. This can be achieved by singing with feeling and emotion, paying attention to song interpretation, and working on performance techniques. The Singing Carrots article titled "Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking" is a good place to start when looking to improve your emotion and performance skills.

Finally, Phillips Craig & Dean's signature song "Revelation Song" is a great example of their singing style and a good starting point when looking to learn how to sing like this group. To help get you started, Singing Carrots offers vocal training tools like the vocal range test, pitch accuracy test, pitch monitoring tool, pitch training exercises, and a song search engine.

With the help of the Singing Carrots website, you can improve your singing and develop your skills to match those of Phillips Craig & Dean. Keep practicing and singing with emotion and passion, and you will be well on your way to achieving a similar singing style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.